a Global department office

for teachers and schools

Where teachers find, create, share, and collaborate around ideas, questions, activities, assignments, media, and more — just like in your department office.

Athena Lab is for:


Individual teachers can join Athena Lab at any time to collaborate around the ideas, assessments, and practices we use every day. Explore topics you are teaching, find colleagues who share your interests, and gather feedback and inspiration from peers around the world.

On your schedule. Wherever you are.


Schools, districts, and networks can support teachers by connecting them to peers within and across schools. Enable asynchronous, online collaboration and support. Make collaboration across schools possible. Make your PLCs more flexible and inclusive.

Break down silos and prevent isolation.


Education-related organizations looking to provide content and communities for educators can open virtual spaces for collaboration, teacher support, and more.

Help teachers and schools build momentum and community around your content.

We envision a futurE…

…in which every teacher, like every doctor and lawyer, has access to a shared knowledge base — a professional memory for the field of education.

In this future world, every teacher has at their finger tips a diverse selection of approaches to their work, and every teacher has a network of colleagues to collaborate with at any time.

Just as no citizen is isolated in a world of online affinity groups, no teacher is isolated without colleagues who share their interests or subject matter. Just as no citizen is without basic knowledge in a world with Wikipedia, no teacher is without a wide variety of teaching possibilities.

In a world with a shared community and knowledge base for teachers, every student’s learning experience is better.


Athena Lab began with a realization: the field of education has no professional memory. Doctors have a shared knowledge base. Lawyers refer to hundreds of years of precedent. But teachers reinvent the wheel every day.

In the digital age, teachers should have a place not only to share and collaborate around our work — the questions, activities, and assignments we use year in and year out — but also a robust social network for teachers built around and always expanding that knowledge base.

Teachers need a global department office: a place for both community and practice.